If you are in Santa Fe Argentina, and you wrote in google “software companies in Santa Fe” you have to know that there is a Cluster of Software companies, named Cluster TIC Santa Fe (CTSF).
You may be wondering, what is Cluster TIC Santa Fe, well it is a group of software companies and institutions connected between them, and located in Santa Fe, or nearby the litoral area. It was founded in 2011 and we are proud to say that Keetup belongs to it and is one of the founder companies of CTSF.
CTSF promotes the association and collaboration between all members of the Cluster, to empower the strengths of the companies, and to offer better and more software services.

Cluster TIC Santa Fe in numbers
Feel free to visit the official Cluster TIC Santa Fe web
So, if you are looking for a software company, and you are from Santa Fe, you have to understand that there are quality companies that can advice you, and create high quality software for your entrepreneurship or your company.
Keetup have good relationship with all the companies that belong to CTSF, and all together can offer a big variety of software products, such as ERPs, internal social networks, customized CRMs, and of course, great MOBILE APPS.
If you liked this post, share it in your social networks, to help CTSF to be known as what it is, a group of great Software Companies in Santa Fe and nearby.